September 3, 2022 – Weekly Update

Happy September Everyone, 

Fall is definitely in the air.  Some of the tops of the trees have just started to turn yellow too.  I hope those who have returned to school already had good first weeks back.  Getting back into the swing of things is always good.  

On Monday, I was proud to present the Southampton Council on Aging with a check for $50,000 in funding that I was able to secure in the State’s ARPA legislation this past year. The COA and Director Joan Linnehan are a critical resource for Southampton’s seniors and I know that this money will go to good use as they expand their services and program.  

International Overdose Awareness Day was this week.  Communities throughout our district, including Easthampton, Westfield, Holyoke, and Chicopee, all held events to commemorate this solemn occasion.  The opioid crisis continues to ravage our communities and at these vigils we remember all those that we’ve lost.  As the Vice-Chair of the joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery, I am committed to doing everything in my power to help those with addiction and support the many families impacted.   

Yesterday, the North Elm Butcher Block in Westfield celebrated their 75th year of business.  I congratulated them by presenting them with a citation at their ceremony.  This butcher shop is an institution in the city of Westfield and one of my personal favorites. I wish them another prosperous 75 years.  

Wednesday, I attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Naples Removal Group’s newest location in West Springfield.  It’s always great to see our small and local businesses expanding.  I wish you all the best of luck.   

Tonight, I will be attending a procession to honor two of Western Mass’s bravest, Officer Jose Torres of Westfield and Officer Kevin Ambrose of Springfield, who both died in the line of duty ten years ago.  We must never forget these officers and all that they did on behalf of our communities.  Thank you to the West Springfield Irish Cultural Council for organizing this.   

This week my team held office hours in Southwick on Friday.  Next week, we will be at the Russell COA on Friday from 11:30am – 12:30am.  Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. We are always happy to help! 

As always, if there is anything I can do to assist you, please never hesitate to reach out to my office. I can be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920 and you can find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 

John Velis 

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