Western Massachusetts lawmakers push for endometriosis task force

(WWLP) – Western Massachusetts lawmakers are leading the charge for an endometriosis task force to ensure Massachusetts patients with this disease receive the best possible care.

Endometriosis is a chronic disease that causes tissue similar to the lining of the uterus to grow outside of the uterus, most commonly on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or pelvic lining. It can cause extremely heavy periods, severe pain, and even infertility.

A group of state lawmakers, including Northampton Representative Sabadosa, are pushing to create a task force to spread awareness among medical professionals and the public. For Sabadosa, this work was inspired by people in her community reaching out to her office.

“Truly if constituents hadn’t reached us and told us what a pressing issue this is and flagged different ways that we could be useful and helpful as a legislature, I don’t think we would have filed the bill before you today,” said Sabadosa.

Westfield Senator Velis got involved with endometriosis advocacy after his wife, Emily, was diagnosed with the disease last year.

“Both my wife and myself had no idea what it was, and if we can raise some awareness on it, maybe some folks, some women can catch it earlier than they otherwise would have,” said Velis.

The earlier endometriosis is diagnosed, the more treatment options are available, and treatments range from birth control pills, injections, and hormones to control symptoms to surgery or even removal of the uterus and ovaries in severe cases.

Lawmakers say federal funding concerns will not affect the creation of this endometriosis task force, making it a realistic goal for this legislative session.

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