Local lawmakers ready to get to work with Healey-Driscoll Administration

(Western Mass News – Lexi Oliver) History was made Thursday as Maura Healey was sworn into office as the first female and openly gay governor of Massachusetts.

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Lots of excitement across the Bay State Thursday as we welcomed our new governor. Local legislators told Western Mass News they’re ready to get to work.

“It is the honor of my life to lead this state,” said Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey.

After eight years, a new administration taking over in Massachusetts – as governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll took the oath of office Thursday.

“It’s encouraging to know that we have a governor whose priorities align with my priorities and what I’m hoping that were going to be able to accomplish in the house of representatives and the state legislature this year,” said 9th Hampden District Representative Orlando Ramos.

In her speech, the new governor addressed several key issues and announced the creation of a new housing secretary, a child tax credit, a safety chief to inspect transportation infrastructure, and a cabinet-level climate chief among others.

“She talked about all the things that I think are the greatest challenges in the Commonwealth,” said Senator John Velis of the 2nd Hampden and Hampshire District.

Senator Velis told Western Mass News its remarkable how the people of the Commonwealth come together to celebrate inauguration day; regardless of political affiliation.

“On the day that the governor is sworn in, it’s always a festive day. We all talk about working collaboratively and what I’ll tell you in Massachusetts, we work collaboratively better than anybody so there’s reason for optimism,” he said.

In a state of historic firsts, this inauguration marks another one. Healey becoming Massachusetts’ first elected woman governor and first openly gay governor.

“We were the first to guarantee that health care is universal, and, twenty years ago now, that love is, too. It is in that spirit of common humanity that I stand before you today, representing another historic first,” Governor Healey said.

“A single dad who raised a daughter by himself, being able to witness that moment in person was a very powerful moment and a very proud moment for myself and I think for all women across the Commonwealth,” Representative Ramos said.

He added that looking forward to working with our new governor.

“I think that were going to have a very productive session, having heard what we heard today,” Representative Ramos said.

And Senator Velis said the legislature is ready to hit the ground running.

“Make no mistake about it, the work begins now,” he said.

Thursday night, the inaugural ball was held at TD Garden featuring a performance by Grammy-winning singer Brandi Carlisle as well as the Springfield Sci-Tech High School band.

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