Getting Answers: Mass. DPH to hold public hearing on nursing home closures

(Western Mass News – Paris Dunford) As the announced closures of four nursing homes here in western Mass., a hearing was held on Wednesday night with families and legislators, and another is scheduled this evening.

We spoke to family members who are preparing to move their loved ones into homes more than an hour drive away, state legislators explain if there is anything that can be done.

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Glennice Flynn was emotional on Thursday as she talked with Western Mass News about her family’s care.

“I just hope people understand that these are the most vulnerable people that we have and that this is really negatively affecting them,” said Flynn.

Flynn’s mom and sister are both residents of the Governor’s Center nursing home in Westfield.

The center is one of four set to close, all owned by Northeast Health Group.

Along with Governor’s Center, the Chapin Center, in Springfield and Willimansett Center East and West, in Chicopee are also closing.

The Northeast Health Group cited a change in the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s policy requiring homes to have two people or less in a room, as their reason for needing to close.

On Wednesday night, the D.P.H held a public hearing to talk with families of the residents at the two Willimansett Center locations, and other key players like State Senator John Velis to hear concerns and discuss possible solutions.

“This is having catastrophic disproportionate impact on western Massachusetts,” said Senator Velis. “So, it’s taking those competing interests and seeing if there’s a way, which was my ask in the meeting last night, is there a way to delay if you will or to say no to the closure right now.”

On Thursday night, the D.P.H will hold a second, similar meeting with family members of loved ones living at the other two facilities and Flynn plans to join in.

Flynn said people at the facility told her that her mother and sister will be moved Monday to a center in Pittsfield that is 55 miles away from where she lives.

She added that she won’t be able to drop by for a snack, or just a hug, with her mom or sister like she usually could.

“It will be much harder to see them. I’ll miss my mom. I’ll miss my sister too, but I’ll miss my mom,” said Flynn

She said the only other option was a facility in Boston that is even further away.

A representative of the D.P.H about these meeting and sent us a statement that reads quote:

“We are in regular communication with northeast health group about possible alternatives to closure which prioritize patient safety, quality, and infection control”

That second meeting with residents’ families and legislators is happening now via phone.

The D.P.H is discussing the closure regarding the Governor’s Center and the Chapin Center.

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