Education officials discuss higher education system

 (WWLP- Kiara Smith) – Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler and local education officials held a round table discussion with students to find out how the state’s higher education system is enhancing students’ academic experience.

Students at Westfield High School said the program called Westfield Promise has broadened their knowledge.

This program allows students to earn up to 13 college credits in high school while also giving them a sneak peek at college life. At this meeting students and education officials were able to discuss how higher education courses have helped students and discuss ways to improve it.

Some of those ways include increasing exposure and access to higher education for K-12 students improving equity in financial aid and enhancing support for historically underserved and underrepresented students.

“It’s key all of these students are engaged in early college programming. You can see these students are on a track to being served well and this program works,” said Patrick Tutwiler, the secretary of education. Senator John Velis, a former Westfield high school student said programs like this are essential for the growth and development of the students.

“Kids in many instances don’t find out what they want to do until it is too late. One of the reasons I am convinced that is the case is because they are not exposed to that information so what these classes do is figure out earlier if you like something or if you don’t,” said Velis.

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