January 31, 2021 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone,  

Hard to believe we’re already at the end of January! 2021 is moving along and I hope this new year has been good to you all so far. This week I had several meetings regarding potential legislation to file in this new session, as well as the COVID-19 vaccine distribution process. 

 On Monday morning I met with Dave Cruise, President and CEO of the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board. We had a informative conversation about companies and businesses in our district and how the Legislature can support them. Monday afternoon I sat down with Mayor Humason and Representative Pease to talk about our legislative priorities and how we can work together to benefit the City of Westfield.  

On Tuesday I met with Westfield City Councilor Kristen Mello and other community members to discuss PFAS and a new potential study that would look at the impact of the contamination in food sources across the state.  

This week my staff and I also met virtually with representatives from the U.S. Department of Defense to talk about potential legislation for Veterans and active military members in the Commonwealth. While I will be refiling several pieces of Veterans affairs legislation from my time in the House, I have a few new interesting initiatives I will be pursuing as well.  

Earlier this week, the Baker Administration announced that individuals who are 75+ years old can begin to book appointments through mass.gov/covid-19-vaccine to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when Phase 2 begins on February 1st. I have heard from many constituents this week about the difficulty and confusion of signing up for a vaccine appointment on the site. While the Governor is unilaterally overseeing the vaccination distribution, my office has been communicating with the Administration frequently to make our concerns clear.  

This week I co-sponsored legislation to greatly improve the current vaccination booking process. SD300, An Act streamlining COVID-19 vaccination sign-up in Massachusetts, directs the Department of Public Health to immediately establish an accessible, one-stop online sign-up for COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as a 24/7 phone hotline in multiple languages. Ensuring access to the vaccine is crucial to recovering as a Commonwealth.  

Last week several of my colleagues and I also sent a letter to Governor Baker asking for increased vaccination preparations in Hampden County, and I am glad that Eastfield Mall in Springfield will now be a mass vaccination site. I will continue to advocate to improve the vaccination process however I can, and my staff is available to assist with any questions or concerns you may. In addition, I will be sending out COVID email updates as new information becomes available. You can sign up to receive them at senatorjohnvelis.com/covid-19-updates/ 

As always if there is anything I can do to assist you, please never hesitate to reach out to my office.  I can be reached at my email: john.velis@masenate.gov or by phone: (413) 572-3920 and you can find me online at senatorjohnvelis.com.  


John C. Velis 

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