(Boston 2/7/2022) This week the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) and the Women Veterans’ Network (WVN) announced their launch of a survey for women Veterans in the Commonwealth. The survey is part of a broader study by DVS to develop recommendations to better engage women Veterans and to direct resources in ways that better support women Veterans and their families. Senator John C. Velis secured $500,000 in the FY’22 budget to fund the study and expand outreach to women Veterans in the Commonwealth.
“I’ve had the honor of training and serving alongside many women in the military. It’s no secret that they face an entirely different set of challenges than their male counterparts,” stated Senator Velis, a Veteran himself and Major in the US Army Reserve. “Many of the services that our state provides for Veterans were not implemented with women Veterans in mind. Women Veterans have different medical needs, housing needs, and regrettably, often need sexual trauma care. This study is the first step to making sure they get what they need and that no women Veterans fall between the cracks.”
The survey is focused on understanding the services that women Veterans in the Commonwealth currently use, and those that could best support their unique circumstances and the issues that impact them. Responses to this survey will help DVS better understand how women Veterans interact with the Department and other service providers.
The survey and broader study will result in a report submitted by DVS to the Legislature, which will include information on current housing options for women Veterans, the quality and availability of physical, mental, and reproductive healthcare, and recommendations on how to improve women Veterans outreach initiatives.
Senator Velis, who is also the Senate Chair of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs, noted that the number of women Veterans is still growing. “By year 2040, it is estimated that women Veterans will make up nearly 40% of our Veteran population in Massachusetts. They are the fastest growing demographic of Veterans, and we must ensure that our Commonwealth is meeting their needs.”
DVS is seeking as many responses as possible and is asking to share the survey link: https://tinyurl.com/5n6j2ybd with any women Veterans. The survey, which should take approximately 10 minutes, can be done on a computer or mobile device. Those who complete the survey will be eligible to enter a raffle to win one of 20 Dunkin’ gift card, each valued at $20.