Velis Ushers Expanded HERO Act Through Senate to Support Veterans, Active-Duty Service Members, and their Families

(Boston – 6/13/2024) Today the Massachusetts State Senate unanimously passed legislation championed by Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield) which includes critical and comprehensive additions to strengthen the HERO Act to benefit not only the Commonwealth’s veterans but also active-duty service members and their families.

The comprehensive legislative package, S.2817 An Act Honoring, Empowering and Recognizing Our Servicemembers and Veterans (HERO Act), would expand veteran eligibility for Chapter 115 benefits, remove specialty veteran license plate fees, increase annuity benefits for 100% disabled veterans and Gold Star families, expand veteran property tax exemptions, increase small business tax credits for hiring veterans, and expand access to veteran behavioral health treatment.

“Very few are brave enough to raise their hand and pledge to defend our nation and the values that we hold dear, no matter the cost. It is on us – as a Commonwealth – to always remember, recognize, and honor that sacrifice however we can. The legislation passed by the Senate today makes comprehensive and critical additions to the HERO Act to ensure that we are not only supporting Massachusetts veterans but also our active-duty service members and their families as well,” shared Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield), Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “I am extremely grateful for the dedication of my Senate colleagues, many of whom have filed legislation included in the bill passed today, and most especially for the leadership of Senate President Spilka and Chair Rodrigues in continuing to prioritize legislation that supports all those who have served and continue to serve in our armed forces.”

Watch Senator Velis’s floor remarks explaining the Senate’s HERO Act bill

The Senate’s legislation builds on the historic legislative package filed by the Healey-Driscoll Administration by including additional provisions which would:

  • Require a public school district to provide support services to a military-connected student when a parent or guardian is called to active duty.
  • Create a military spouse liaison to help military spouses with obtaining employment and childcare, and deal with other issues they face.
  • Repeal the restriction that currently prevents Gold Star spouses from maintaining their annuity benefit if they remarry.
  • Ensure that both the Holyoke and Chelsea Veterans Homes receive funding to replace lost license plate revenue from waiving the fee on veteran license plates.

During debate, the Senate adopted an amendment by Senator Velis that would protect veterans from predatory claim sharks that target veterans seeking  seeking assistance filing claims with the federal Department of Veteran Affairs. It is currently federally illegal to charge hefty fees for “assisting” or “consulting” veterans with filing the VA benefits claims however, federal law lacks criminal penalties for these bad actors known as “Claim Sharks”. The amendment adopted by the Senate today would prohibit someone from receiving compensation for assisting in a veterans benefit matters, except where allowed by federal law, and allows violators of this provision to be sued civilly.

“It is absolutely reprehensible that there are over 100 predatory claim shark companies operating and preying upon our Commonwealth’s veterans. By creating serious consequences for this deceitful behavior, the Senate is taking a monumental step to protecting those who have sacrificed so much to defend our nation,” explained Senator John C. Velis. “Often times, these claim shark companies are promising extremely vulnerable veterans increased disability ratings or expedited claim decisions from the VA when in reality they are seeking to entrap Veterans into paying exuberant fees for minimal assistance. It is beyond disgusting that veterans are being taken advantage of in this way.”

The bill passed by the Senate included 17 spending, policy initiatives, tax credits, and statute changes organized into three categories:

Benefit Expansion

  • Expands access to Behavioral Health Treatment: Allows veterans to be reimbursed for visits to outpatient behavioral health providers.
  • Increases the Disabled Veteran Annuity: Increases the annual annuity for veterans with a 100% service-connected disability, surviving spouses, or Gold Star Parents from $2,000 to $2,500.
  • Increases the Vet-Hire Tax Credit: Increases to $2,500 a tax credit for small businesses hiring chronically unemployed or low-income veterans.
  • Increases access to the Active-Duty Buyback program: Lengthens the timeframe for veterans in public service to participate in the Active-Duty Service Buyback program and allows retroactive participation for veterans who missed the buyback opportunity. This program will enable veterans to purchase up to four years of active-duty service time toward their state retirement. 
  • Prevents the “COLA Cliff”: Ensuring that a cost-of-living adjustment in Social Security benefits will not affect veterans’ eligibility for Chapter 115 benefits in the middle of the state fiscal year.  
  • Increases Local Flexibility for Veterans Property Tax Exemptions: Creates two separate local options. The first allows municipalities to double the veteran property tax exemption without doubling all other exemption clauses. The second ties the annual property tax abatement amount to inflation, allowing exempted property tax amounts to increase with inflation.
  • Eliminates the Fee for Specialty License Plates for Veterans: Waives specialty license plate fees on specialty veteran license plates and creates a new woman veteran license plate decal. 

Commitment to Inclusivity and Greater Representation

  • Broadens the Chapter 115 Definition of Veteran: Expands eligibility to Chapter 115 and EOVS state veterans benefits by aligning eligibility with the federal definition of a veteran. This change allows more veterans to be eligible for the veteran annuity, Chapter 115 benefits, access to the Massachusetts Veterans Homes, and other state-provided benefits.
  • Aligns the definition of a veteran dependent with the Family Court definition andupdates Dependent Residency Requirements to ensure that dependents are able to access benefits.

Modernization of Veterans Services

  • Codifies Dental Assistance Benefits, Medical Assistance Benefits, and Authority over state Veterans Cemeteries under the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services. :Modernizes statute language for inclusivity and standardization Establishes a working group to study the potential benefits of alternative therapies in treating veterans suffering from mental health disorders.

Having passed both the Senate and House, a conference committee will now be appointed to reconcile differences between the two versions.


Weekly Update- June 8th

Hello Everyone,

June marks Pride month here in the Commonwealth! To kick it off, this week my team and I went to both the Pride flag raising here in Westfield and at the State House. I am looking forward to joining community members at festivities all across the district this month in celebration!

I started off my week by visiting two of our schools here in Westfield on Monday. In the morning, I attended Career Week at the Franklin Ave Elementary School where I spoke to students about my work previously as a lawyer, my service in the military, and the honor that I have as serving as your State Senator. Later that afternoon, I paid a visit to Westfield High School where I had the pleasure of speaking to Mr. Dargie’s Current Issues class. It was great speaking with these students who have demonstrated such a strong interest in civics engagement. Thank you, Mr. Dargie, for having me back in your class and I’m already looking forward to a visit next school year!

On Tuesday I was over at Highland Elementary to discuss with teachers, educational experts, and representatives from the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education about how the Commonwealth can address the literacy skills gaps that is affecting so many students across our state. Highland Elementary school has been participating in pilot program this school year to help those students who have fallen behind on these critical skills by providing one-on-one tutoring. As someone who knows what it is like to struggle in school at a young age, I truly appreciate all that is being done to support all of our students.

Graduation season is in full swing, both Westfield High School and the Westfield Technical Academy held their graduations this week. I was honored to have been able to join both senior classes during their celebrations. I hope all the students graduating this week across the district are able to enjoy this momentous occasion for which they have all worked so hard to achieve. Congratulations!

Congratulations are also in order for the Holyoke High School’s Women’s 4×100 Relay Team for having been invited to the Nike Nationals Track and Field invitational all the way out in Oregon. Go Purple Knights!

This week my team hosted office hours at the Agawam COA on Monday. Next week, we will be at the Chicopee COA from on Tuesday June 11th from 10:00am to 11:00am and at the West Springfield COA on Wednesday June 12th from 11:00am to 12:00pm. If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached by email,, by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at


John Velis

Weekly Update- June 1st

Happy June Everyone, 

The summer weather is finally in full swing.  I hope everyone is able to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. 

With the observance of Memorial Day this past Monday, I attended a multitude of events across the district including some in Agawam, Chicopee, Russell, and West Springfield.  I hope that amid the barbeques and celebrations, everyone was able to take a moment to remember those who gave their lives while in service to our nation.  

I’m very proud to announce that at the end of last week, the Senate finished its version of the FY25 budget.  After much deliberation with my fellow legislators, the budget has now been sent to a conference committee between the House and the Senate so that the differences between the two proposals can be worked out before being sent to the Governor’s office for a final signature.  While nothing is set in stone yet, I was able to secure funding for many projects around the district including the Westfield Police Department, our local Boys and Girls’ Clubs, local youth sports, and the Easthampton Coalition for Veterans’ Wellness.  

On Tuesday alongside Representative Finn, I toured the Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds in West Springfield to learn more about how we can support their operations on Beacon Hill.  Famous for the 17-day stretch of the Big E every Fall, the Fairgrounds hosts a multitude of events year-round and is one the biggest economic drivers here in Western Mass.  I would like to extend a huge thank you to the staff for giving us a tour.   

Graduation season has officially started.  Westfield Technical Academy’s aviation maintenance technician program said its farewell to their senior class on Thursday morning by celebrating them during a special ceremony at Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport.  This program is one of the few in the nation to be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration and this dedicated group of students has worked hard over the last four years to hone their skills as aviation mechanics. Congratulations to all! 

This week my team hosted office hours in Russell Tuesday and in Southampton and Westfield on Wednesday.  Next week, we will be at the Agawam COA on Monday June 3rd from 11:00am to 12:00pm.  If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached by email,, by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at 


John Velis 

Senate Passes 2025 Budget to Make Community College Free, Invest in Every Region, Open Childcare Seats   

$57.999 billion budget approved unanimously following three days of robust, bipartisan debate  

(BOSTON—5/23/2024) The Massachusetts Senate has unanimously approved a $57.999 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25). Following robust and spirited debate, the Senate adopted over 400 amendments and took 43 roll call votes, adding $89.6 million in spending for statewide initiatives and local priorities for communities around the Commonwealth.  

The budget builds on the Senate’s commitment to fiscal responsibility while delivering historic levels of investment in every level of education, regional equity, and mental health, reflecting the Chamber’s commitment to creating a more affordable, equitable, and competitive Commonwealth.   

“Today our chamber took a vote of confidence in every Massachusetts resident going to school, raising a family, and working to make ends meet —today we took a vote for an affordable, competitive, and equitable Commonwealth,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “This budget is an investment in our people, and it is an investment in our collective future. I want to thank Chair Rodrigues, Vice Chair Friedman, Assistant Vice Chair Comerford, the Committee, and all my Senate colleagues and staff for their thoughtful and collaborative work on this great budget.” 

“The Fiscal Year 2025 budget overwhelmingly passed by the Senate makes transformative investments in education, regional equity, and builds upon the Commonwealth’s workforce economy,” said Senator Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “These historic measures enable residents to remain in the state, solidifying our economic future for generations to come. The FY 25 budget is also a balanced and responsible plan, centered on sustainability and regional equity by maximizing revenues and building upon the progress we’ve already made in key sectors of the state economy. With a transparent and inclusive amendment process, we were able to improve our original budget and make even further strides in our education, economic development, environmental, and health and human services priorities. Thank you to all my Senate colleagues, especially members on the Committee; whose thoughtful input, advocacy, and collaboration, helped to develop and shape this comprehensive budget plan, I would also like to offer a heartfelt thank you to Senate President Spilka for her compassionate and resolute leadership as we work together to rebuild our economy and grow our state’s long-term economic health,”  

“The Senate’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget ensures stability, regional equity, and a high level of quality for the programs that our municipalities and residents need and rely on,” said Senator Cindy F. Friedman (D-Arlington), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “As we grapple with rising costs and access challenges within the Massachusetts health care system, I am especially proud that this budget utilizes tools to maximize our health care dollars for the facilities and providers that serve our most vulnerable residents. I thank Senate President Spilka, Senate Ways and Means Chair Rodrigues, and my Senate colleagues for their thoughtful approach and dedication to passing a budget that balances fiscal constraints with targeted, impactful investment in our Commonwealth.” 

“Universally free community college and record public higher education investments. Significant funding for rural roads and bridges, local public health, K-12 schools, Unrestricted Government Aid, PILOT, Regional Transit Authorities, food security, and more,” said Senator Jo Comerford (D-Northampton), Assistant Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education. “I am proud of the many ways this budget rises to meet the needs and opportunities of all the Commonwealth’s people. Thank you to Senate President Karen Spilka and Chair Michael Rodrigues for your leadership in crafting this compassionate and visionary budget proposal.” 

The Committee’s budget recommends a total of $58 billion in spending, a $1.8 billion increase over the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) General Appropriations Act (GAA). This spending recommendation is based on a tax revenue estimate of $41.5 billion for FY25, which is $208 million less than revenues assumed in the FY24 GAA. This represents nearly flat growth, as agreed upon during the Consensus Revenue process in January, plus $1.3 billion in revenue generated from the Fair Share surtax. 

As the Commonwealth adjusts to a changing economic landscape and ongoing tax revenue volatility, the FY25 budget adheres to disciplined and responsible fiscal stewardship. It does not raise taxes, nor does it draw down available reserves from the Stabilization Fund or the Transitional Escrow Fund, while at the same time judicially utilizing one-time resources to maintain balance.  

The Senate’s budget continues responsible and sustainable planning for the future by continuing to grow the Rainy Day Fund, already at a historic high of over $8 billion. The Senate’s proposal would build the Commonwealth’s reserves to a healthy balance in excess of $9 billion at the close of FY25.  

Fair Share Investments 

Consistent with the consensus revenue agreement reached with the Administration and House of Representatives in January, the Senate’s FY25 budget includes $1.3 billion in revenues generated from the Fair Share surtax of 4 per cent on annual income above $1 million. As FY25 represents the second year where this source of revenue is available, the Committee’s budget invests these Fair Share revenues into an array of important initiatives to further strengthen our state’s economy by expanding access to quality public education and improving the state’s transportation infrastructure.  

Notable Fair Share education investments include:  

  • $170 million for Universal School Meals.  
  • $150 million for the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) program to provide monthly grants to early education and care programs, which is matched with $325 million in funds from the General Fund and the High-Quality Early Education & Care Affordability Fund for a total investment of $475 million.  
  • $117.5 million for MassEducate to provide free community college across the Commonwealth.   
  • $105 million to expand financial aid programs for in-state students attending state universities through MASSGrant Plus, which is in addition to the $175.2M for scholarships funded through the General Fund.  
  • $80 million for childcare affordability, creating more than 4,000 new subsidized childcare seats and expanding access to subsidized childcare to families making 85 per cent state median income.  
  • $65 million for early education and care provider rate increases, to increase salaries for our early educators. 
  • $15 million for the CPPI Pre-K Initiative, matching $17.5 million in funds from the General Fund, for a total of $32.5M to support the expansion of universal pre-kindergarten, including in Gateway Cities.  
  • $10 million for wraparound supports to boost community college and state university student persistence, which is matched with the $18 million in SUCCESS funds from the General Fund, for a total of $28 million.  
  • $10 million for early literacy initiatives.  
  • $7.5 million for school-based mental health supports and wraparound services.  
  • $5 million for Early College and Innovation Pathways. 

Notable Fair Share transportation investments include: 

  • $250 million for the Commonwealth Transportation Fund (CTF), which will leverage additional borrowing capacity of the CTF and increase investments in transportation infrastructure by $1.1 billion over the next 5 years. This $250 million includes:
    • $127 million to double operating support for the MBTA.  
    • $63 million in debt service to leverage additional borrowing capacity.  
    • $60 million in operating support for MassDOT.  
  • $125 million for Roads and Bridges Supplemental Aid for cities and towns, including $62.5 million for local road funds through a formula that recognizes the unique transportation issues faced by rural communities.  
  • $120 million for Regional Transit Funding and Grants to support the work of Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) that serve the Commonwealth, which together with General Fund spending funds RTAs at a record $214 million.  Fair Share funding includes:
    • $66 million in direct operating support for the Regional Transit Authorities.
      • $40 million for systemwide implementation of fare-free transit service.  
      • $10 million to incentivize connections between regional transit routes.  
      • $4 million to support expanded mobility options for the elderly and people with disabilities.  
    • $24.5 million for Commuter Rail capital improvements.  
    • $23 million to support implementation of a low-income fare relief program at the MBTA.   
    • $15 million for municipal small bridges and culverts.  
    • $7.5 million for water transportation, funding operational assistance for ferry services.   


The Senate Ways and Means FY25 budget proposal implements the Senate’s Student Opportunity Plan by shaping polices to make high-quality education more accessible and by making significant investments in the education system, from our youngest learners to adults re-entering the higher education system.   

Recognizing that investing in our early education and care system directly supports the underlying economic competitiveness of the Commonwealth, the Senate’s budget makes a $1.58 billion investment in early education and care. The FY25 budget will maintain operational support for providers, support the early education and care workforce, and prioritize accessibility and affordability throughout our early education and care system. Notable funding includes: 

  • $475 million for a full year of operational grants the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) Grant program, this is the second fiscal year in a row that a full year of C3 grants have been funded using state dollars in the annual state budget. The Committee’s budget also makes the C3 program permanent, while also adding provisions to direct more funds from the C3 program to early education and programs that serve children receiving childcare subsidies from the state and youth with high needs. Currently, more than 92 percent of early education and care programs in the Commonwealth receive these grants. This program, which has become a model nationwide, has proven successful at increasing the salaries of early educators, reducing tuition costs for families, and expanding the number of available childcare slots beyond pre-pandemic capacity.  
  • $80 million for childcare affordability, creating more than 4,000 new subsidized childcare seats and expanding eligibility for subsidized childcare to families making 85 per cent of the state median income. 
  • $65 million for center-based childcare reimbursement rates for subsidized care, including $20 million for a new reimbursement rate increase. 
  • $53.6 million for quality improvement initiatives at early education and care providers, with $6 million supporting the Summer Step Up program. 
  • $32.5 million for theCommonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative, which empowers school districts to expand prekindergarten and preschool opportunities through public-private partnerships. This is double the amount that was appropriated for this initiative in FY23. 
  • $20 million for Childcare Resource and Referral Centers to assist parents, childcare providers, employers, and community groups in navigating the state’s early education and care landscape.  
  • $18.5 million for grants to Head Start programs, which provide crucial early education and childcare services to low-income families. 
  • $5 million for grants to early education and care providers for childhood mental health consultation services. 
  • $2.5 million for a new public-private matching pilot program to encourage employers to create and support new childcare slots, with an emphasis on serving children most in-need.  

Building off the Senate’s unanimous passage of the comprehensive EARLY ED Act in March, the Committee’s FY25 budget codifies several provisions of the bill, transforming the early education sector by improving affordability and access for families, increasing pay for early educators, and ensuring the sustainability and quality of early education and care programs.  

In K-12 education, the Senate follows through on the commitment to fully fund and implement the Student Opportunity Act (SOA) by Fiscal Year 2027, investing $6.9 billion in Chapter 70 funding, an increase of $319 million over FY24, as well as increasing minimum Chapter 70 aid from $30 to $110 per pupil, delivering an additional $40 million in resources to school districts across the state. With these investments, the Senate continues to provide crucial support to school districts confronting the increasing cost pressures that come with delivering high-quality education to all students. 

In addition to the record levels of investment in early education and K-12, the Committee’s budget removes barriers to accessing public higher education by codifying into law MassEducate, a $117.5 million investment in universal free community college program that covers tuition and fees for residents, aimed at supporting economic opportunity, workforce development, and opening the door to higher education for people who may never have had access. The FY25 budget permanently enshrines free community college into law in an affordable, sustainable, and prudent manner across the Commonwealth, while leaving no federal dollars on the table.  

Other education investments include: 

  • $492.2 million for the special education circuit breaker
  • $198.9 million for charter school reimbursements. 
  • $99.4 million to reimburse school districts for regional school transportation costs
  • $28.3 million for higher education wraparound services, including $18.3 million in General Fund resources, to support wraparound supports to the influx of new students coming to community colleges campuses because of MassEducate.  During debate, the Senate added an amendment to fund $500,000for the Hunger Free Initiative. 
  • $17.5 million for Rural School Aid supports. 
  • $15 million for Early College programs and $13.1 million for the state’s Dual Enrollment initiative, both of which provide high school students with increased opportunities for post-graduate success. 
  • $5 million to support continued implementation of the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Higher Education law, including $3 million for grants offered through the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment initiative to help high school students with intellectual disabilities ages 18–22 access higher education opportunities; and $2 million for the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Trust Fund
  • $3 million for the Genocide Education Trust Fund, continuing our commitment to educate middle and high school students on the history of genocide. 
  • $1 million for Hate Crimes Prevention Grants to support education and prevention of hate crimes and incidences of bias in public schools.  


Community Support 

The Committee’s budget—in addition to funding traditional accounts like Chapter 70 education aid—further demonstrates the Senate’s commitment to partnerships between the state and municipalities, dedicating meaningful resources that touch all regions and meet the needs of communities across the Commonwealth. This includes $1.3 billion in funding for Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA), an increase of $38 million over FY24, to support additional resources for cities and towns.  

In addition to traditional sources of local aid, the Committee’s budget increases payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for state-owned land to $53 million, an increase of $1.5 million over FY24. PILOT funding is an additional source of supplemental local aid for cities and towns working to protect and improve access to essential services and programs during recovery from the pandemic. Other local investments include: 

  • $214 million for Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) to support regional public transportation systems, including $120 million from Fair Share funds to support our RTAs that help to connect all regions of our Commonwealth. 
  • $51.3 million for libraries, including $19 million for regional library local aid, $20 million for municipal libraries and $6.2 million for technology and automated resource networks. 
  • $25.6 million for the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support local arts, culture, and creative economic initiatives. 

Health, Mental Health & Family Care 

The Senate budget funds MassHealth at a total of $20.33 billion, providing more than two million people with continued access to affordable, accessible, and comprehensive health care services. Other health investments include: 

  • $3 billion for a range of services and focused supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 
  • Nearly $2 billion to protect and deliver a wide range of mental health services and programs, including $622.3 million for Department of Mental Health adult support services, including assisted outpatient programming and comprehensive care coordination among health care providers. 
  • $582.1 million for nursing facility Medicaid rates, including $112 million in additional base rate payments to maintain competitive wages in the Commonwealth’s nursing facility workforce. 
  • $390 million for Chapter 257 rates to support direct-care providers across the continuum of care. 
  • $198.9 million for a complete range of substance use disorder treatment and intervention services to support these individuals and their families. 
  • $131 million for children’s mental health services
  • $113 million for the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program to prevent service reductions and maintain accessible eligibility thresholds. 
  • $75.8 million for domestic violence prevention services
  • $30.9 million for Early Intervention services, ensuring supports remain accessible and available to infants and young toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities. 
  • $33.8 million for Family Resource Centers to grow and improve the mental health resources and programming available to families. 
  • $28.5 million for grants to local Councils on Aging to increase assistance per elder to $15 from $14 in FY 2024. 
  • $26.7 million for student behavioral health services across the University of Massachusetts, state universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, and early education centers. 
  • $25 million for emergency department diversion initiatives for children, adolescents, and adults.  
  • $25.1 million for family and adolescent health, including $9.2 million for comprehensive family planning services and $6.7 million to enhance federal Title X family planning funding. 
  • $20 million to recapitalize the Behavioral Health, Access, Outreach and Support Trust Fund to support targeted behavioral health initiatives. 
  • $14.2 million for suicide prevention and intervention, with an additional $1.4 million for Samaritans Inc. and $1.1 million for the Call-2-Talk suicide prevention hotline. This investment will fully fund 988, the 24/7 suicide and crisis lifeline. 
  • $14.5 million for maternal and child health, including $10.4 million for pediatric palliative care services for terminally ill children and a policy adjustment to ensure that children up to age 22 can continue to be served through the program.  
  • $12.5 million for grants to support local and regional boards of health, continuing our efforts to build upon the successful State Action for Public Health Excellence (SAPHE) Program
  • $6 million for Social Emotional Learning Grants to help K-12 schools continue to bolster social emotional learning supports for students, including $1 million to provide mental health screenings for K-12 students. 
  • $5.5 million for Children Advocacy Centers to improve the critical supports available to children that have been neglected or sexually abused. 
  • $3.9 million for the Office of the Child Advocate. 
  • $3.75 million for the Massachusetts Center on Child Wellbeing & Trauma.  
  • $2 million for grants for improvements in reproductive health access, infrastructure, and safety

Expanding & Protecting Opportunities 

The Senate remains committed to continuing an equitable recovery, expanding opportunity, and supporting the state’s long-term economic health. To that end, the Senate’s budget increases the annual child’s clothing allowance, providing a historic $500 per child for eligible families to buy clothes for the upcoming school year. The budget also includes a 10 per cent increase to Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) and Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) benefit levels compared to June 2024 to help families move out of deep poverty.  

In addition, the budget provides $87 million in critical funding to support a host of food security initiatives including $42 million for Emergency Food Assistance to assist residents in navigating the historical levels in food insecurity, and $20 million for the Health Incentives Program (HIP) to ensure full operation of the program to maintain access to healthy food options for SNAP households.  

Economic opportunity investments include: 

  • $499.7 million for Transitional Assistance to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) and $179 million for Emergency Aid to Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) to provide the necessary support as caseloads increase, and continue the Deep Poverty increases. 
  • $59.7 million for adult basic education services to improve access to skills necessary to join the workforce. 
  • $42 million for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program
  • $20 million in Healthy Incentives Programs to maintain access to healthy food options for households in need. 
  • $15.5 million for the Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program. 
  • $10.4 million for Career Technical Institutes to increase our skilled worker population and provide residents access to career technical training opportunities, which will combine with $12.3 million in remaining American Rescue Plan funding for the program. 
  • $10 million for the Food Security Infrastructure Grant program. 
  • $10 million for a Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program to provide economic support to communities disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system. 
  • $5.4 million for theInnovation Pathways program to continue to connect students to trainings and post-secondary opportunities in the industry sector with a focus on STEM fields. 
  • $5 million for Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund, which will pair with $12.8 million in remaining American Rescue Plan funding for the program. 
  • $5 million for the Secure Jobs Connect Program, providing job placement resources and assistance for homeless individuals. 
  • $2.5 million for the Massachusetts Cybersecurity Innovation Fund, including $1.5 million to further partnerships with community colleges and state universities to provide cybersecurity workforce training to students and cybersecurity services to municipalities, non-profits, and small businesses


As the Senate moves forward to shape a more fiscally sustainable path for the Commonwealth, affordable housing opportunities remain out of reach for too many. Longstanding housing challenges are being exacerbated by the influx of individuals and families migrating to Massachusetts, and a lack of federal financial assistance and immigration reform. To that end, the Committee’s budget invests $1.14 billion in housing, dedicating resources for housing stability, residential assistance, emergency shelter services, and homelessness assistance programs, ensuring the state deploys a humane, responsible, and sustainable approach to providing families and individuals in need with an access point to secure housing. 

The budget prioritizes relief for families and individuals who continue to face challenges brought on by the pandemic and financial insecurity, including $325.3 million for Emergency Assistance Family Shelters, in addition to the $175 million in resources passed in the recent supplemental budget, to place the Commonwealth’s shelter system on a fiscal glidepath into FY25, in addition to $197.4 million for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT). 

Other housing investments include: 

  • $231.5 million for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), including $12.5 million in funds carried forward from FY24.   
  • $115 million for assistance to local housing authorities.  
  • $110.8 million for assistance for homeless individuals
  • $57.3 million for the HomeBASE diversion and rapid re-housing programs. 
  • $27 million for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP), including $10.7 million in funds carried forward from FY24, to provide rental assistance to people with disabilities.  
  • $10.5 million for assistance for unaccompanied homeless youth
  • $9 million for the Housing Consumer Education Centers (HCECs). 
  • $8.9 million for sponsored-based supportive permanent housing. 
  • $8.9 million for the Home and Healthy for Good re-housing and supportive services program, including funding to support homeless LGBTQ youth 

The final FY25 Senate budget will be available on the Senate budget website.  

A conference committee will now be appointed to reconcile differences between the versions of the budget passed by the Senate and House of Representatives.  


 Senate Adopts Senator Velis Amendments to Support Veterans Ahead of Memorial Day 

(Boston- 5/24/2024) Ahead of Memorial Day, the Massachusetts State Senate adopted two amendments put forth by Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield) focused on expanding access to veterans’ behavioral health and supporting the unique needs of women veterans. 

It is estimated 1 in 3 veterans return home with an invisible wound of war, whether it be PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, depression, or something else. Left unaddressed, these issues can have tragic outcomes. Since 9/11 over 1,400 veterans have lost their lives to suicide in the Commonwealth. Amendment 804 would allocate an additional $500,000 to the Home Base program operated by Massachusetts General Hospital to support their expansion and training efforts across the state to provide veterans with behavioral health treatment close to home.  

“In my opinion, Memorial Day is the most sacred day of the year. And as we honor and remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, we are also reminded of our sacred duty to ensure that we are doing everything we can for our veterans,” shared Senator John Velis, Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “Home Base is truly a one-of-a-kind program that is dedicated to treating the behavioral health needs of our veterans, including those invisible wounds, at no cost.  It is critical that our Veterans, regardless of where they live in the Commonwealth, have access to these services close to home.”  

Senator Velis’ second amendment focused on women veterans,  

Women veterans are the fastest growing population of veterans in the country. The Massachusetts State Senate has historically championed women veterans’ issues including providing additional funding for outreach to women veterans and funding a study on the changing needs of women veterans. Amendment 454 adopted by the Senate on Tuesday evening would build upon that work by codifying the Women’s Veterans Network into state law and establish clear requirements to ensure outreach to women veterans. 

“The reality is there are countless women veterans residing in our Commonwealth that are not utilizing the services and benefits available to them because they are simply not aware that they exist,” said Senator Velis. “Women veterans face entirely different challenges than their male counterparts and it is critical we recognize this and tailor our outreach efforts so that every women veteran who calls Massachusetts home can access the services they’ve earned in service to our nation.”   

A 2022 report from then Auditor Bump found that the Women Veterans Network had only identified 6% of the over 25,000 women veterans living in the Commonwealth at that time. This amendment, which was unanimously adopted by the Senate, would also require the Network to submit annual reports to the Legislature on their outreach efforts to identify and support women veterans residing in the Commonwealth. 


Senate Passes Unanimously Velis Amendment to Combat Rising Acts of Antisemitism in the Baystate 

(Boston- 5/23/2024) Yesterday the Massachusetts State Senate unanimously passed (40-0) an amendment that seeks to confront and address the rising act of antisemitism occurring across Massachusetts. The adoption of this amendment comes at a time when Massachusetts is outpacing other states in the frequency of these acts of hate against Jewish Baystate residents and institutions. 

The amendment would instruct the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide curriculum, resources, and professional development to school districts to teach students about antisemitism in age-appropriate ways. The amendment would also organize a commission to make recommendations on how the Commonwealth can combat the alarming rise in antisemitism and implement the White House’s National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

Senator Velis’s floor remarks on Amendment 803 – Addressing Antisemtism

“It is deeply disturbing and truthfully infuriating to know that Massachusetts is among those five states that cumulatively make up almost half of our country’s antisemitic acts of hate.” shared Senator John C. Velis “We pride ourselves for being an inclusive and welcoming state here in the Commonwealth; that regardless of your background, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion that we accept you as you are and will treat you with kindness and respect. But for too many of our Jewish friends and neighbors- we are not living up to our promise.” 

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who has carefully tracked antisemitic incidents across the nation for almost 45 years; 2023 saw the highest total acts of antisemitism in any year since the ADL began tracking this data. Specifically, Massachusetts saw an 189% increase in antisemitic incidents from 2022 to 2023. This increase was the result of 440 total antisemitic incidents across Massachusetts that included vandalism, harassment, and physical assault targeted at Jewish children, adults, and institutions.  

“Hate in all of its forms must always be condemned, and yet   Antisemitism has persisted in countless forms for over 2000 years dating back to biblical times.” said Senator Velis. “Tragically, antisemitism continues to not only exist, but is becoming increasingly normalized. I am proud to be apart of a legislative body that is willing to overwhelmingly speak out in the strongest possible way against it and educate others about the harm this it is causing.” 


Ahead of Senate’s Budget Debate, Senator Velis Raises Alarm on Fentanyl Prevalence and Need for Narcan 

(Westfield – 5/16/2024) Ahead of the Massachusetts State Senate’s FY25 budget debate next week, Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield) is raising the alarm on the prevalence of fentanyl throughout the state and the need to expand funding for the life-saving overdose reversal tool Narcan. Senator Velis has filed two amendments, amendment 570 and amendment 571, to the Senate’s budget on this issue that will be considered during debate next week.  

  • Amendment 571 would drastically increase the amount of funding that the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) receives to purchase and distribute Narcan.  
  • Amendment 570 would establish a Statewide Public Awareness Campaign to inform residents on drug contamination and the need for Narcan and other harm reduction services 

“Right now, our Commonwealth’s drug supply is more contaminated, and deadly, than ever before,” said Senator Velis, who Chairs the Legislature’s Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery Committee. “Massachusetts continues to lose thousands of lives each year and a large reason why is because people don’t realize just how contaminated our supply is. We need to do whatever we can to educate people about these risks, but we also need to drastically need to expand access to the most powerful tool we have to actually save people’s lives when an overdose happens, and that is Narcan.” 

The most recent data from the State Department of Public Health showed that there were 2,323 confirmed and estimated opioid-related overdose deaths between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, and that the rate of opioid-related overdose deaths has increased by 3% on average per year since 2015.  The data also showed that fentanyl was detected in 93% of opioid-related overdose deaths in the first three months of this year.  

Individuals in Massachusetts can access Narcan from the pharmacy or access it through a BSAS-approved program that carries Narcan. Senator Velis noted that funding for this program has not kept pace with community need and the increased drug contamination in Massachusetts. 

“Anything that we can do to make people more aware and to get Narcan into more hands we should be doing, because it will truly save lives,” said Senator Velis. “This is my number one priority heading down to Boston for budget debate next week and I don’t intend on coming back to Western Massachusetts empty handed.” 


Week of May 25th

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone,  

For many, Memorial Day weekend marks a kickoff to summer however, while I hope everyone is able to enjoy this long weekend with loved ones and friends, I hope you take a moment to not only reflect on the sacrifices of those in the armed forces but also to celebrate the free and prosperous country that they helped defend. Remember to be safe this weekend as well. 

Despite the long weekend ahead of us, it was quite busy on Beacon Hill all week long as the Senate debated the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. I am excited to share that I was able to secure local funding that will benefit our youth, seniors, veterans, public safety, and municipalities! As a Western Massachusetts Senator, I was proud to support many amendments and the Senate’s overall budget that were grounded in regional equity. It is critical that everything we do at the State House not only benefits the residents of the Commonwealth living in the Boston area but our state as a whole, including all of us right here in Western Massachusetts. 

Tuesday morning, I was honored to have spoken at the special presentation of the Medals of Fidelity and Liberty to military families during the State House’s observance of Memorial Day. Here in Massachusetts, we not only recognize and remember those who died in service to our nation on the battlefield, but we also recognize all those who later died from the invisible wounds of war like PTSD or exposure to toxins such as Agent Orange or Burn Pit Toxins. 

Despite all the activity out in Boston surrounding the budget, my team and I were able to still attend several events throughout the district. Thursday evening, my team presented official State Senate citations for the Grand Opening of La Gran Cocina community kitchen in Holyoke and to the West Springfield Boys’ and Girls’ Club Youth of the Year, Ndayishimiye “Raha” Rahabu.  Congratulations to you both! 

This week my team hosted office hours at the Easthampton COA on Tuesday. Next week we will be hosting office hours at the Russell COA on Tuesday from 11:00am to 12:00pm.  Because of the Monday holiday, we have a double feature of office hours on Wednesday.  We will be at the Southampton COA from 9:30am to 10:30am and at the Westfield COA from 12:30pm to 1:30pm.  If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached by email,, by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at 


John Velis 

Week of May 18th

Hello Everyone, 

I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying this New England Spring.  Although if anyone out there is a suffering from spring allergies, my best goes out to you.   

As we push further into the Fiscal Year 2025 budget process, my staff and I have had full schedules taking meetings with stakeholders from all across the district to find how the legislature can best work for Western Massachusetts.  Community Leaders, local organizations, and my fellow constituents have all been working with my team to make sure everyone’s voice is heard.  

Monday morning, I was proud to join many from across the region at the Westfield-Barnes Municipal Airport for the ribbon cutting of their new taxiway on the airfield.  This project represents the collaboration of so many agencies and organizations from every level of government and community.  I was proud to have done my part to help see this to fruition and I can’t wait to see all the positive effects this will have on the air base, the municipal airport, and our entire community.   

Later that morning, I joined Representative Dan Carey of Easthampton, Chief Housing Officer Emily Cooper from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and many other housing and elder advocates from around the Valley to have a discussion with our seniors on how housing issues are affecting them.  It was a very productive conversation and as a member of the Joint Committee on Housing and the Senate Vice-Chair on the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, these insights are crucial to my work in the legislature in making sure our seniors are not left behind in the housing market.   

Wednesday marked the passage of National Peace Officers Memorial Day, a day that honors peace officers from all levels of government who have been killed or disabled in the line of duty.  To further honor these brave men women, I attended the Western Massachusetts Police Memorial Ceremony yesterday morning, to commemorate those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  We owe a debt to those who have done so and their families. Thank you to the MPTC Holyoke Police Academy for hosting us all yesterday morning.   

This afternoon I will be attending the induction ceremony for Agawam’s newest Eagle Scout, Shannon Newsome.  After years of dedication to your community, this title is well deserved! Congratulations to you Shannon!  We’re lucky to have you.   

This week my team hosted office hours at the Chicopee COA on Tuesday and at the Holyoke COA on Wednesday.  Next week my team will be hosting our office hours at the Easthampton COA on Tuesday May 21st from 10:30am to 11:30am. If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached by email,, by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at 


John Velis 

Weekly Update- May 11th

Hello Everyone, 

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the incredible Moms and Moms-to-be out there! I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow! 

This week was another busy week filled with meetings and activities throughout the Pioneer Valley. I got my week started with a tour of Empower Health Group in Northampton.  This facility provides a wide array of services for those suffering from substance use disorders.  The treatment of substance use disorders is not one size fits all and so often specific to the substance in question.  Empower does this important work of tailoring treatment plans to help those suffering stay in Recovery.  Thank you to the staff over here for giving me a tour of the good work you all are doing.   

After years of work, it was my pleasure to celebrate the grand opening of James Hardie’s new factory here in the City of Westfield on Tuesday. James Hardie renovated the old National Envelope Company manufacturing site and is bringing good paying jobs to create economic opportunity for residents across our region. This week we also celebrated the grand opening of Sigma Mattress where I was proud to join them for their ribbon cutting celebration and present a citation from the Senate. Congratulations and welcome to Westfield! 

May also marks Mental Health Awareness Month and to mark the occasion, my team joined the folks over at Mira Vista Behavioral Health Center in Holyoke on Thursday morning to raise the green flag.  The mental health crisis is one of the most pressing issues facing the Commonwealth today and everywhere from Pittsfield to Provincetown has a shortage of hospital beds specializing in treatment for mental health disorders. That’s why the work being done by the good folks at Mira Vista is so critical and as the Senate Chair for the Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery. I look forward to continuing to work alongside them. 

Wednesday morning, I was honored to have been asked to attend the West Springfield Public Library’s “Terrific Twos” reading time where I read the book “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” to a very lively audience of toddlers. Reading to your little ones is so important as they learn about the world and build language skills. Thank you for having me West Side! 

Today is also the 100th Birthday for the Veterans’ Affairs Hospital in Leeds!  Our veterans deserve the best care possible, and the Leeds facility works so hard to provide them with just that.  Here’s to many years to come!  

Next week my team will be hosting our office hours on Tuesday May 14th from 10:00am to 11:00am over at the Chicopee COA and again at the Holyoke COA on Wednesday May 15th, from 10:00am to 11:00am. If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached by email,, by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at 


John Velis 

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