Senator Velis Urges Department of Public Utilities to Reconsider Winter Energy Rates as Price of Oil Falls 

(BOSTON – 1/23/2023)

Earlier this fall, Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield) joined colleagues on a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) urging them to reject the then-proposed energy rate increases impacting residents this winter. Since then, the price of oil has fallen greatly, and this month Senator Velis once again joined colleagues to urge DPU to reconsider the high energy rates they had previously approved.  

While oil prices in the summer of 2022 had peaked above $140 per barrel, the letter from Senator Velis and his colleagues to DPU Chair Matthew Nelson notes that “since the time the Department of Public Utilities approved the utilities’ requested rate increases, oil prices have fallen dramatically, trading at $75 per barrel at the close of the day on January 4, 2023”. 

“This entire winter I have heard from constituents across my district about the high utility bills they’re receiving each month and the impact that these rates are having on their finances. Any opportunity we have to lower these rates and help folks out, we absolutely need to take a look at,” said Senator Velis. “Clearly the oil market is in a different place now than it was this summer and I think that DPU absolutely should be reconsidering these rates in response. We are only halfway through the winter, and anything we can do now will make a huge difference.” 

Senator Velis was joined by more than 90 Republican and Democratic colleagues on this month’s letter, which requests that “DPU take immediate action to reassess the recently granted rate increases”. Senator Velis stated that he is hopeful that DPU will consider the Legislator’s request and will continue to work to increase funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and state resources in the meantime.  


January 21st, 2022 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone, 

This past Monday marked the observance of the birthday of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. I hope everyone was able to take a moment during the federal holiday to reflect on his impact on our society and his contributions to the advancement of civil rights in this country.  

As usual, the beginning of formal session has been exceptionally busy ahead of our bill filing deadline.  While bills may be filed after this deadline, all bills filed prior are guaranteed a public hearing, an important step for any legislation to become law. My team and I have been taking meetings all week on potential bills to file and I’m very much looking forward to all that the legislature will accomplish this session. 

Wednesday, I had a great discussion with law enforcement leaders in the State Police as well as the Department of Homeland Security to talk about their work in combatting the growing supply of fentanyl on the black market.  Substance abuse disorders are one of the most pressing challenges here in the Commonwealth and our law enforcement officers are on the front lines of tracking and stopping the influx of narcotics into our communities.  Thank you to both groups for taking time to speak with me and sharing some ideas for improvement.  

This week I also had a digital meeting with Boston Dynamics, one of the leading robotics companies in the world based right here in Massachusetts.  We discussed at length the roles that robotics already play in everyday life and what role they may come to play in the future as technology progresses.  This was a very informative meeting and I thank their staff for taking their time to meet with me.   

Thursday afternoon, I attended the annual Easthampton Chamber of Commerce Meeting.  I always enjoy getting out into our communities and meeting with our local business leaders.  It’s organizations like this one that fuel economic growth in our cities and towns and I’m grateful to the Chamber for inviting me to this event.   

Thursday night, I also guest celebrity bartended at the Scoreboard to benefit the Agawam and West Springfield St. Patrick’s Day parade committee. Thank you to the committee for inviting me and my apologies to anyone who actually had to order a drink from me! 

This week, my staff held office hours at the Easthampton COA on Tuesday and at the Holyoke COA on Wednesday. Next week, we will be holding three sperate office hours. On Monday we will be at the Westfield COA from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. On Tuesday, we will at the Russell COA from 11:30am to 12:30pm. Then on Wednesday, we will be at the Southampton COA from 10:00am to 11:00am. Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello! 

If you are unbale to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 


John Velis 

January 14th, 2023 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone, 

I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things.  I know many of our students had their first full week of classes back after the holidays and I wish the best of luck in shaking off that vacation rust.  

Next week marks the bill filing deadline for the new legislative session, and my team has been busy this week meeting with advocates all over the district and Commonwealth as we shape our legislative priorities for this next session.  Aside from policy meetings, I still spent plenty of time at other events in this district as well. 

Yesterday, I toured the Center for Human Development’s location in Holyoke.  This organization is indispensable to our adult population with disabilities, along with many other groups in our community.  This group does excellent work and I’m proud to have them in our community. A big thanks to Chicopee City Councilor Shane Brooks of Chicopee for helping organize the visit.  

On Tuesday, I met with West Springfield’s 250th anniversary committee. On February 23rd, 1774, West Springfield officially became its own municipality and for the last quarter millennium has developed its own history and culture that I as their new State Senator am proud to represent. The anniversary may be a year out, but we’re already getting ready and I am very much looking forwards to what the committee has in store. 

Substance use and addiction continues to be one of the most pressing issues facing the Commonwealth. In the last session, I was the Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Substance Use, Mental Health and Recovery and as such had a role to play in legislation pertinent to this issue. This week, in preparation for the upcoming session, I took meetings with officials from the University of Massachusetts, Tapestry Health, and the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery. All of the insight from these groups will prove to be useful this legislative session and I’d like to thank all of them for their time and for all they do for our communities. 

This week, my office hosted three separate office hours at various Councils on Aging.  On Monday we were at the Agawam COA, Tuesday the Chicopee COA, and on Wednesday we had our very first office hours in West Springfield.  Next week we will be at the Easthampton COA on Tuesday from 10:30am to 11:30am and at the Holyoke COA on Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello! 

If you are unbale to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 


John Velis 

Senator Velis Urges More Focus on Chelsea Soldiers’ Home Following Inspector General’s Letter 

(BOSTON – 1/13/2023) Following the Office of the Inspector General’s letter last week on reports of conditions at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home, and yesterday’s firing of Superintendent Eric Johnson, Senator John Velis (D-Westfield) today urged for continued focus on the facility and its needs. 

“The deeply concerning issues outlined in the Inspector General’s letter simply cannot fall by the wayside. No Veteran should ever be living in the types of conditions reported, and no employee should be working in that type of environment as well,” said Senator Velis, who Chairs the Senate’s Soldiers’ Home Working Group. “I look forward to leading the Senate Soldiers’ Home Working Group on a deep-dive fact-finding mission to determine if there are systemic problems plaguing the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home. Anything less than providing the best in the nation care to our Veterans’ Homes would be a perpetual stain on the seal of our Commonwealth.”  

Last week’s letter from Inspector General Jeffrey S. Shapiro summarizes a series of complaints received about the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home since 2021. It includes information from several reports completed by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, as well as complaints collected by the Commonwealth’s Investigations Center for Expertise.  

As Chairman of the Veteran’s and Federal Affairs Committee, Senator Velis played a leading role this past session in the Soldiers’ Home Governance and Oversight reforms that were passed last summer and go into effect this March. Along with the legislation, the Senate created the Working Group chaired by Senator Velis to oversee implementation of the legislation and identify issues at the Commonwealth’s Soldiers’ Homes that might need additional improvement.  

Senator Velis, who met with the Inspector General last week and with the Department of Veterans’ Services and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services this week, noted that he will continue to bring all relevant stakeholders to the table to investigate these concerns surrounding the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home.  

“I will be visiting the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home next week to meet with Veterans and staff directly and will continue to work with the Inspector General, the administration, and my colleagues in the Legislature to mobilize on these pressing problems facing the facility,” said Senator Velis. “This has to be a comprehensive effort and one that cannot be placed on the backburner. Our Veterans deserve much more than that.” 


January 7th, 2023 – Weekly Update

Happy New Year Everyone! 

2023 has officially arrived and with it, a new legislature, a new administration, and new State Senate districts.  This Wednesday marked the official swearing in ceremony for the 193rd Massachusetts General Court.  I, along with my fellow State Senators, were sworn in by Governor Baker in one of his last official acts of office and officially began the new Legislative Session. 

Later that evening, Governor Baker took his “lone walk” from his office to the front doors of the State House.  There he exchanged gifts with Governor-Elect Healey before departing the State House steps for the very last time.  The following morning, then Governor-Elect Healey was officially inaugurated as Massachusetts 73rd Governor on the floor of the House of Representatives. 

With this start of the new session, the change in the State Senate districts following the census will officially go into effect.  In addition to already representing Westfield, Holyoke, Chicopee, Easthampton, Southampton, Montgomery, Russell, and Agawam, I will now be representing West Springfield as well.  I’m already looking forward to working with my colleagues in the legislature, the new administration, and of course our local officials to build a better future for both the district and the Commonwealth as a whole. 

I didn’t spend the whole week in Boston though.  Just this morning, I attended the retirement of firefighter Dave Saffron of the Easthampton Fire Department.  After 39 years of distinguished service, Saffron will be hanging up his helmet. Thank you, Dave for all you have done for our community.   

Firefighter Saffron isn’t the only one of Western Mass’s Finest retiring this week though.  I’d like to also congratulate Tim Black of the Westfield Fire Department on his retirement after 35 years of service.  Thank you, Tim. You will be missed, and we all hope you enjoy retirement! 

I’d also like to congratulate the Soapy Noble Carwash in Agawam on their grand opening yesterday.  I always love to see new small business opening right here in the Pioneer Valley.  Thank you to all over there for putting together this event and for inviting me.  Best of luck to all of you.   

Next week, my office will be hosting three separate office hours at various Councils on Aging.  On Monday January 9th , we will be at the Agawam COA from 11:00am to 12:00pm.  On Tuesday the 10th, we will be at the Chicopee COA from 10:00am to 11:00am.  On Wednesday the 11th, we will be in West Springfield for our very first office hours there from 11:00am to 12:00pm.  Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello! 

If you are unbale to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 


John Velis 

December 31st, 2022 – Weekly Update

Happy Holidays, everyone.

I can hardly believe that 2023 begins tomorrow. I hope all of you have been able to take some time and relax and enjoy this holiday season.

We’re getting right back into the swing of things next week. Wednesday marks the swearing-in of the new legislature and the beginning of the 193rd Massachusetts General Court. I’m very much looking forward to getting back to the good work of legislating.

Sunday marked the official beginning of Kwanzaa. I’d like to wish a happy one to all those in the African-American community who celebrate. Our office was honored to have been asked to attend Mayor Vieau’s proclamation honoring African heritage and culture at Chicopee City Hall on Thursday.

Wednesday morning, I was asked to speak on Rock on Westfield, a local cable access show on WCPC that also airs as a radio show on WSKB. I was also joined by Mayor McCabe, Rep. Pease, and Rep. Finn, and together we spoke about all that we accomplished in the previous legislative session and all that we hope to accomplish in the upcoming one. Thank you to the host, Harry Rock, for having us.

In response to both the colder weather finally settling in and an increase in heating costs being felt across the board, the federal government recently announced a $159 million increase in funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This reflects a nearly 24% increase from funding in the previous fiscal year. Last year, only one in five eligible households accessed the available funds. If you think you may be eligible and are worried about your heating bills this year, I encourage you to apply. You can do so at or can reach to my office for assistance.

My team held office hours this week on Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Russell Council on Aging. Next week, due to the holiday, my office moved our Agawam office hours to Jan. 9 from 11 a.m. to noon. Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello!

I can always be reached at my email,, or by phone, 413-572-3920, and you can find me online at, where you can also sign up for my newsletter.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year,

John Velis

December 24, 2022 – Weekly Update

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone, 

My family has had many firsts this year with the birth of our son, Carson, and I am so looking forward to our first Christmas together tomorrow. I wish all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas and hope everyone gets to spend some time with family and friends.  

Our district has been abuzz with holiday events this past week. On Wednesday night, I joined the Russell-Montgomery Police department for their annual distribution of holiday dinners.  It was so good to see everyone come out and get into the holiday spirit.  I’d like to thank the Russell-Montgomery Police Department for putting on this wonderful event.   

Sunday night marked the beginning of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights.  Alongside public officials and citizens of Easthampton, we lit the first candle on the menorah at sundown on Nashawannuck Pond. Thank you to the city putting this on and for inviting me. !חנוכה שמח 

This week I also continued my annual holiday tradition of ringing bells with the Salvation Army outside of Walmart.  Thank you to all those who gave what they could.  Your charity is always appreciated, especially during this time of year.  All proceeds went directly to the good works done by the Salvation Army.   

Holidays aside, this week also marked my cat’s, Finnegan, “Gotcha” Day.  Since many rescue animals don’t have a recorded birthday, our family celebrates his “Gotcha Day” which is when he first arrived in our home! 

I’d like to remind everyone that as part of the Commonwealth’s “Try Transit” grant program, the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority will be completely fareless until January 1st. Whether you’ve never tried public transit, use it habitually, hate driving in the snow, or maybe just want to save on gas, I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to try out the Commonwealth’s largest regional transit authority. 

This week I also recorded my monthly cable access show, Beacon Hill to 413.  This month’s guest was Liz Whynott, Harm Reduction Director of Tapestry Health.  As many of you know, Tapestry plays a pivotal role in harm reduction for those with substance use disorders here in the Pioneer Valley.  Liz and I discussed a myriad of topics relating to the opioid epidemic but focused especially on the ways that the legislature can aid communities being ravaged by the epidemic.  I’m already looking forward to working alongside them and other community partners in the coming legislative session.   

My team held office hours this week on Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am at the Southampton COA and the Holyoke COA.  Next week, we will be at Russell COA on Tuesday from 11:30am to 12:30pm.  Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello! 

I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 

 Wishing everyone a happy holiday season,  

John Velis 

December 17, 2022 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone, 

Good news for the skiers and snowboarders out there: winter is well under way here in Western Massachusetts. While the first snow is always beautiful, I’m sure many of you also spent Monday morning shoveling driveways and sidewalks.     

While the weather continues to change, my office has still been keeping busy with preparations for the new legislative session and events all over the district. I started off this week at Wreaths Across America’s event on Monday at the Great Hall of the State House.  I was joined by fellow legislators and Veterans from across the Commonwealth.  This is an excellent organization that works s to honor all our Veterans who have passed by coordinating wreath layings across the country during the holidays. I’m grateful to the organization for their work.  

This year also marks the 386th anniversary for the Massachusetts National Guard and on Tuesday, the legislature held another event at the State House to commemorate it.  For almost four centuries the Massachusetts National Guard has protected the then-Massachusetts Bay Colony and now Commonwealth.  They were also the first national guard in the United States and many of the current institutions in our military can trace their roots back to this National Guard.   

Friday morning, I was asked to speak at the Westfield Chamber of Commerce’s annual Holiday Breakfast.  Our local businesses are the heart of our community, and it was so good to see all our leaders.  I’m committed to continuing to support our local economies together in the next legislative session.     

This week my office also joined Mayor McCabe and Representative Pease for the groundbreaking of Westfield Technical Academy’s new student house project on Mill Street in Westfield. The project is an outstanding collaboration between WTA and local businesses that will provide students with invaluable hands-on experience in building a house. Whether it be carpentry, electrical wiring, or engineering, there is no better laboratory for these students than being out in the field. I can’t wait to see the finished project! 

My team held office hours this week on Monday in Chicopee from 10:00am to 11:00am at the COA.  Next week, we will be holding double office hours on Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am at the Southampton COA and the Holyoke COA.  Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello. 

Should you be unable to make our office hours or need assistance sooner, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.  I can be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920 and you can find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season,  

John Velis 

December 10th, 2022 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone, 

I hope everyone is ahead on their holiday preparations. December is already flying by and it’s hard to believe that 2023 is right around the corner.  

As we enter the holiday season, many of us will be spending time with loved ones and extended families in indoor settings.  COVID cases tend to rise during the winter. .  If you still need a COVID-19 booster shot, you can find a location near you online at  If you think you’ve been exposed or just want to be cautious, you can find a testing site at   

We’ve been busy over in here in the legislature getting ready for the new legislative session that starts in January.  I spent much of this week at the National Conference of State Legislture’s opioid policy fellowship.  As Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Recovery, understanding what policy initiatives are the most effective in combating the opioid epidemic across our country is critical.  Gathering with state legislators and policy experts from across the nation was very enlightening and I look forward to taking back what I learned from them here to the Commonwealth.   

This Wednesday marked National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Over two thousand Americans lost their lives on December 7th, 1941, and we will never forget the sacrifices that these men and women made. We are stronger when we come together, and I was grateful that my office could join the Westfield Veteran’s Council on Wednesday morning for their ceremony at the Green Bridges.  

My team held office hours this week on Monday in Agawam from 11:00am to 12:00pm at the COA and in Southwick on Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am, which with redistricting was our final office hours in Southwick.  It was wonderful to see so many friends stop by today to visit.  

I couldn’t be more grateful to COA Director Cindy Sullivan and her team for everything they do for seniors in our community. Regardless of where my district may lie, I know I will be back to visit again soon. 

Next week, we will be at the Chicopee COA on Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am.  Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello. Should you be unable to make our office hours or need assistance sooner, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.  I can be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920 and you can find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season,  

John Velis 

December 3rd, 2022 – Weekly Update

Happy December Everyone! 

I hope you all had an excellent Thanksgiving last week.  The holiday season is well under way and I even saw there’s snow in the forecast for next week.   

Yesterday, I attended an event for Veterans at Springfield College.  During the height of the pandemic, the school opened a brand-new center just for Veterans but unfortunately, they were unable to officially open their doors until recently.  This event served as their semi-official grand opening, and I was honored to have been invited to speak as Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. I touched on all the good work that the legislature was able to do on behalf of Veterans in the previous session and what we’re hoping to get done in the coming session. 

Congratulations to Balise family on opening yet another dealership! Joining their network in the area is their new Kia dealership in West Springfield. Family-owned businesses are the backbone of our economy here in the Pioneer Valley and I was honored to have been invited to the grand opening earlier this week. We all wish the Balise family the best with their new location.  

This week I was also able to meet with people from MassHire Holyoke’s Recovery Workforce Pledge.  This MassHire regional office is the first in the state to offer services to those in recovery and their success is encouraging other offices to adopt similar programs.  I’m looking forward to all the good work that this organization will get done.   

In response to both the colder weather finally settling in and an increase in heating costs being felt across the board, the federal government recently announced a $159 million increase in funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).  This reflects a nearly 24% increase from funding in the previous fiscal year.  Last year, only one in five eligible households accessed the available funds. If you think you may be eligible and are worried about your heating bills this year, I encourage you to apply.  You can do so at or can reach to my office for assistance. 

My team held office hours this week on Monday in Westfield from 11:30am to 12:30pm at the COA and in Southampton on Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Next week, we will be at the Agawam COA on Monday from 11:00am to 12:00pm and in Southwick on Wednesday from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello. 

Should you be unable to make our office hours or need assistance sooner than then, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.  I can be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920 and you can find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season,  

John Velis 

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