May 6th, 2023 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone,  

I hope you’re all doing well! This week was a big one for the Holyoke Veterans’ Home, as we got word that the VA has officially awarded $164 million to the Massachusetts Office of Veterans Services for the construction of a new facility, the first award in $263.5 million of federal funding. This funding process all started with our state bond bill in 2021, which I was proud to help get across the finish line, and I am thrilled that we are one step closer to making the new facility a reality. 

Even with this excitement, Team Velis still had quite a busy week. On Monday I had the honor of joining Representative Carey and Easthampton City officials for a ceremony recognizing resident Robert Cayo, a Korean War Veteran who was awarded both the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star for his heroism in the Battle of Pork Chop Hill. These events are always special to me, and I was proud to present Robert with a Senate citation in honor of his service.  

Tuesday morning, I joined the Holyoke Taxpayer’s Association for a quick update on the FY24 budget process. Afterward, I virtually joined students from throughout Massachusetts for a hearing of the Legislature’s Education Committee, where we testified in support of my School Robotics Bill, S360. The legislation would create a grant program to expand and support robotics clubs in our schools and it has been phenomenal to work alongside students on the bill.  

Wednesday morning I joined Congressman Neal, Mayor McCabe, and Representative Pease at Barnes Air National Guard Base to celebrate the 104th Fighter Wing being selected to receive the next fleet of F-35A Fighter Jets. Afterward, I headed over to Westfield Tech to visit with Veterans at the now-monthly Veterans lunch organized by Westfield VSO Julie Barnes. I wrapped up the day at Holyoke Community College for the retirement celebration of President Christina Royal, an incredible friend and educator who has led HCC for the past five years.  

On Thursday I joined Sheriff Cocchi, Congressman Neal, and substance use experts for a roundtable discussion on improving health outcomes for individuals in our justice system who struggle with substance use disorders. This conversation led into a series of afternoon meetings on substance use and mental health priorities in the FY24 state budget. 

I wrapped up the week on Friday with a legislative breakfast with the Pioneer Valley & Berkshire Building Trades Council, followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony for American Freight in Agawam. It’s always wonderful to engage with workers in the district and to see new businesses opening their doors! 

This week my team held office hours in Agawam. Next week we will be at the Chicopee COA on Tuesday from 10AM – 11AM and the West Springfield COA on Wednesday from 11AM – 12PM. If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached at or at (413)572-3920. You can also find me online at 


John Velis 

Sen. Velis Announces $164M in Federal Funding for Reconstruction of Holyoke Veterans’ Home  

(HOLYOKE – 5/2/2023) On Tuesday Senator John Velis (D-Westfield) announced that $164M in federal grant funding has been awarded to the Executive Office of Veterans Services for new construction at the Holyoke Veterans’ Home, the first award in $263.5M of federal funding for the project. 

“Today’s announcement has been a long time in the making and is an important step towards making a new Holyoke Veterans’ Home a reality,” said Senator Velis, who is Chairman of the Legislature’s Veterans and Federal Affairs Committee. “This process started back in the spring of 2021 with the passage of the Legislature’s bond bill, and it is truly exciting to see this federal funding come to fruition. This new facility, and this funding, will help ensure that the future residents of the Holyoke Veterans’ Home and Veterans across the Commonwealth receive the care with honor and dignity that they have earned in service to our nation.” 

As Chairman, Senator Velis championed the passage of the $400M state bond bill last session that ultimately resulted in this federal grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs State Home Construction Grant Program. After passage of the bond bill, the state was able to apply for the VA Construction Grant Program and received conditional approval last year. The Holyoke Veterans’ Home has now officially entered a Memorandum of Agreement with the VA and will receive the rest of the $263.5M in future fiscal years. The remaining $136.5M for the project will come from the state.  

The reconstruction of the Holyoke Veterans’ Home is currently underway and coincides with the ongoing rebuilding of the Chelsea Veterans’ Home. In total, the Holyoke project includes 234 long-term care beds, nursing support, and community spaces for Veterans. 


April 29th, 2023 – Weekly Update

Hi everyone,  

Hard to believe that we are at the end of April! The Spring is flying by and before we know it, we will be in the dog days of summer.  

Things in the Legislature are picking up as the FY24 budget season continues. This week the House completed their budget after a week of debate. Next up is the Senate, where we will work on our own budget over the next few weeks before ultimately debating and finalizing it towards the end of May.  

As Chairman of the Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery Committee, many of my priorities this budget session will be in that area. This week was great preparation for that, starting with a great conversation on Monday at Westfield State on the topic of mental health on college campuses. We had an incredible turnout, and it was truly informative to hear from students and faculty about the trends they are observing. 

Our work with behavioral health this week also involved meetings with Boston Children’s Hospital and Samaritans Inc to discuss legislative priorities related to children’s mental health and the rollout of the national 988 suicide and crisis lifeline. For those of you who don’t know, the 988 lifeline is available 24/7, 365 days a year, to anyone who is in emotional distress. It has been an incredible resource so far and I look forward to continuing to support its infrastructure. 

This Wednesday while at the State House I also had the opportunity to meet with the Springfield Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber was out for the annual Beacon Hill Summit, and it was wonderful to meet with some of the great business leaders in the Greater Springfield area.  

Special shout out to the Hampden Charter School of Science in West Springfield for having me over for a visit on Friday. Talking to students is always a blast for me and it was great to hear about their interests and passions. 

This week I also recorded the next episode of my local cable show, “Beacon Hill to the 413”. My guest was Keith Fairey, President and CEO of Way Finders, a community organization focused on housing stability and production. Our discussion focused on some of the housing challenges that Western Mass faces and how the State can help make housing more affordable. Check your local cable channels or head to my website to watch.  

This week my team held office hours in Westfield, Russell, and Southampton. Next week we will be at the Agawam COA on Monday from 11AM to 12PM. Feel free to stop by any of our office hours with questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello!  

If you are unable to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413)572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can sign up for my newsletter!  


John Velis 

Senator Velis Holds Mental Health Discussion with Students at Westfield State University 

(WESTFIELD – 4/26/2023) On Monday Senator John Velis (D-Westfield) visited Westfield State University to meet with students and faculty on the topic of mental health on college campuses. Senator Velis is the Senate Chairman of the Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery in the State Legislature.  

“From balancing classes, work, and family responsibilities, to worrying about their futures post-graduation, college students have a lot on their plates, and that takes a toll on student’s mental health in a very real way. As a lawmaker, and especially now as Chairman, I believe it is critical that I hear these experiences firsthand as the Legislature looks towards policies to help expand access to mental health resources and support these students,” said Senator Velis. “I am incredibly grateful to all the Westfield State community members, and especially the students, who took their time to meet with me and share their thoughts.” 

The discussion took place in the Ely Campus Center and lasted for nearly two hours on Monday afternoon. It was attended by more than 50 WSU community members, including WSU President Linda Thompson.  

“I also had the opportunity to speak with faculty and students who are studying the area of behavioral health themselves, and it was fascinating to hear about what they are researching and seeing,” said Senator Velis. “The influence of social media on mental health, workforce shortages in the behavioral health care sector, and lack of access to care: these are all issues that folks at Westfield State are studying and working on. I look forward to continuing to partner with the University and engaging with our community on these issues as the legislative session continues.”  

Senator Velis noted that he hopes to hold similar conversations in other forums throughout the region.  


April 22nd, 2023 – Weekly Update

Hello Everyone, 

Hope you are doing well and enjoying this Spring weather. A shortened, yet busy week in the Legislature and District. 

On Monday, the Commonwealth celebrated Patriots Day, highlighted by the running of the Boston Marathon. Congratulations to all that participated, what an incredible accomplishment! 

It was great to visit Westfield State University on Tuesday. While there, I met with President Linda Thompson to discuss workforce development and how we can work together to meet labor needs. Following our meeting, I spoke with the WSU Student Government body about the mental health challenges facing college-aged students. Each Spring it is an honor to meet with these future leaders to discuss current events and important topics on campus. I am always impressed by the folks involved in Student Government; it is encouraging to see them have such a vested interest in their university. 

On Wednesday I was able to tour Girls Inc. of the Valley in Holyoke. I enjoyed seeing the renovations they have undertaken to secure an even brighter future for girls of all ages. The renovations will allow Girls Inc. to provide leadership and developmental opportunities inside and outside of their four walls. I look forward to continuing to support them in their mission. 

Westfield and the greater area received some tremendous news this week. The 104th Fighter Wing at Barnes Air National Guard Base has been selected by the Department of Defense as the home for the next generation F-35A Fighter Jets. The future deployment of these aircraft is a testament to the hard work completed over the last several years, including last year’s passage of the SPEED Act. With the F-35A in place, Barnes will continue to serve a critical role in our national defense strategy, as well as our regional economy, for decades to come. 

On Thursday it was great to meet with the NAN Project, a peer-to-peer suicide prevention and mental health education program for young people. This meeting was followed by a discussion with Even Health and Alkermes on Friday, two organizations that are focused on expanding access to mental health resources. Organizations like these are on the frontlines of the mental health space and I am humbled to get to know them and learn about their work. 

This week my team held office hours in Easthampton and Holyoke. Next week we will be at the Westfield COA on Monday from 12:30PM to 1:30PM, Russell COA on Tuesday 11:30AM to 12:30PM, Southampton COA on Wednesday 10:00AM to 11:00AM. Feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, are just to say hello! 

If you are unable to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413)572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter! 


John Velis 

Pentagon Announces F-35 Fighter Jets for 104th Fighter Wing:  SPEED Act Helps Massachusetts Meet Final Criteria 

(WESTFIELD – 4/19/2023) Yesterday the Pentagon announced the assignment of 18 of the Air Force’s latest generation F-35A Lightning II fighter jets to the 104th Fighter Wing at Barnes Air National Guard Base in Westfield.  

The Department of Defense considered several contenders from across the country in their final decision and specifically looked at how Massachusetts supported service-members and military families in selecting Barnes. Legislation authored by Senator John Velis (D-Westfield) and signed by Governor Baker last year, known as the SPEED Act, helped Massachusetts meet criteria in these areas that the Department of Defense was looking for. 

“The 104th Fighter Wing is one of the most accomplished flying units in our nation and yesterday’s announcement ensures that the 104th, and Barnes as a whole, will continue that legacy and will remain a critical part of our national defense strategy for decades to come,” said Senator Velis, who is Chairman of the Legislature’s Veterans’ Committee and a Veteran himself.  “This decision is a testament to all the work that has taken place over the last several years. Specifically, last year’s passage of the SPEED Act signaled to the Department of Defense that Massachusetts is a trailblazer and that our Commonwealth is the best place for military service members to call home.” 

Among other pieces, the SPEED Act expedites the professional licensing process for military spouses so that they continue their careers, allows for advanced and virtual enrollment for military children to resolve disruptions in education, and expands benefits and recognitions provided to service-members and military families in Massachusetts. The measures in the law were all criteria that the Department of Defense looks for when making military-basing assignments. 

“From day one the Department of Defense made it explicitly clear to us that they were looking at how states cared for military families in making this decision, and the SPEED Act ensured that we met and exceeded those criteria,” said Senator Velis. “This assignment of F-35A aircraft will bring new and transformative economic investments to our community and will benefit all of Western Massachusetts in the process. I am proud that Massachusetts and the Legislature was able to play a role in making that happen.” 


April 15th, 2023 – Weekly Update

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re all doing well. It’s been a busy week in the Legislature and our district.

We kicked the week off on Monday with a hearing with the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs. We heard testimony on legislation focused on staffing shortages in nursing homes across the state. As the Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, I’m taking the needs of our nursing homes very seriously and look forward to working toward improvement.

Tuesday was National Pet Day! I’m so grateful for my cat Finnegan who we adopted through the Westfield Homeless Cat Project. Finnegan and all of Team Velis’ furry friends hope you can spare a couple of extra treats for your furry friends this week in their honor.

On Tuesday I also met with several different substance use recovery and support advocacy organizations at the State House. As Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery, I always appreciate hearing from groups like this about what their priorities are and how they can be best supported by the state and our local communities.

On Wednesday I had a meeting with Roca Inc. to discuss budget priorities. Roca’s mission is to disrupt incarceration, poverty, and racism through engagement with youth intervention strategies. With two sites in Western MA doing amazing work, it was great to hear about their top priorities moving forward.

Thursday the Senate was in formal session with the highlight on Governor Healey’s bill to establish a separate Housing Secretary in her cabinet. This new position will provide an increased focus on housing issues in in the Commonwealth and I was glad to join my colleagues in a bi-partisan effort to get this bill passed.

I also met with Attorney General Campbell in Boston on Thursday to discuss new reports of the impact that social media is having on the mental health of adolescents. This is a really important priority of mine this session and it is my goal to understand all aspects of this issue so that we can combat the problem in the right way.

I finished off my week with a busy Friday! I joined a wonderful group of students from UMass Amherst for a class, joined a meeting with the Veterans Advocacy Coalition, and stopped by the Holyoke Department of Public Works to visit facilities and discuss how the state can better support their needs.

This week my team held office hours in West Springfield on Wednesday. Next week, we’ll be at the Easthampton COA on Tuesday from 10:30am-11:30am and at the Holyoke COA on Wednesday from 10:00am-11:00am. Feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello!

If you are unable to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter!

Best, John Velis

Senate Passes Legislation creating Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities

(BOSTON – 04/13/2023) The Massachusetts State Senate on Thursday passed a reorganization plan to create a state Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities, a cabinet-level position which will assist the Commonwealth with meeting its long-term goals in addressing the housing crisis and expanding safe, accessible, and affordable housing for residents.

“As a state, we must work towards a creating a sustainable and inclusive future, where no one is prevented from calling Massachusetts home simply because of the cost of housing,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “I am grateful that Governor Healey has brought this legislation before us, and we in the Legislature look forward to continuing to partner with the administration to support housing that is affordable and livable, vibrant communities. I’d also like to thank Senator Collins and Senator Edwards for their attention and hard work to ensure that the Senate could reach consensus on this issue in a timely fashion.”

In Massachusetts, housing-related issues are currently addressed by the administration through the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. The reorganization plan passed in the Senate today would elevate housing issues to a separate executive agency tasked with supporting housing availability and assessing the Commonwealth’s progress in this area.

“I want to thank Senate President Spilka for prioritizing this legislation’s passage in the Senate today,” said Senator Nick Collins (D-Boston), Chair of the Senate Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. “The creation of a new Secretariat will bring a cabinet-level focus to the Commonwealth’s housing crisis. I would like to congratulate Governor Healey as well, who will now be able put her vision for housing and livable communities into action.”

In response to ongoing concerns over housing availability, last session, the Massachusetts Legislature allocated over $1 billion in direct appropriations to support affordable housing in Massachusetts. This followed a session that saw the long-awaited ‘housing choice’ legislation become law with important housing production incentives, including requiring multi-family zoning near transit.

“I am excited about Governor Healey’s newly established Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities, which offers Massachusetts a clear steward in the mission to ensure dignified housing for all residents,” said Senator Lydia Edwards (D-Boston), Chair of the Senate Committee on Housing. “We need a dedicated think tank for housing justice, generational wealth, and eradicating discrimination.”

The reorganization plan is also in the House of Representatives for consideration.


Senator Velis Announces Extended Visiting Hours at Agawam Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery 

(AGAWAM 4/13/2023) Today the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services communicated to Senator John Velis (D-Westfield) that visiting hours at the Agawam Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery have been extended until dusk, effective immediately. 

“As soon as this issue was brought to my attention, I immediately contacted the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services to advocate on behalf of these families, and I am grateful that we were able to achieve this fast resolution,” said Senator Velis, who is Chairman of the Legislature’s Veterans’ Committee and a Veteran himself.  “I think it’s important to remember that less than one half of one percent of our population serves in our military today, we must always make clear that our Commonwealth honors and recognizes our service members. The men and women who reside in the Agawam cemetery selflessly served and sacrificed for our nation and their families and friends should be provided every opportunity to visit them and pay their respects. 

Prior to this extension, visiting hours at the Agawam Veterans’ Cemetery were from 7AM to 4PM. Senator Velis noted that he heard from many constituents about how difficult it was to plan a visit with those limited hours.  

“People from all over Massachusetts come to visit their loved ones at the Agawam Veterans’ Cemetery and these extended hours will ensure that folks who live far away or have 9-to-5 work schedules actually have the time to make that visit,” said Senator Velis. 

The grounds at both State Veterans’ Memorial Cemeteries in Agawam and Winchendon are now open to visitors from 7AM to dusk every day. The Administrative Offices at the cemeteries remains open from 8AM – 4PM, excluding state and federal holidays. 


April 8th, 2023 – Weekly Update

Happy start of Passover and Easter weekend to those celebrating!

It was a busy week in the Senate. This past Monday I had legislative meetings with MassHire Holyoke and the Massachusetts Association of Behavioral Health Systems. Both groups do great work in different areas and I look forward to advocating for both as the Senator for Holyoke and the Chair of the Mental Health, Substance Use, & Recovery Committee.

On Tuesday I testified before the Judiciary Committee on S1142, An Act relative to the Humane Protection of Animals. I filed this bill to help expand protections for animals and ensure that our judicial system has the tools it needs to deal with animal cruelty crimes. The comprehensive and encompassing legislation includes measures previously passed by the Massachusetts State Senate and recommendations from the Animal Cruelty Task Force.

This Wednesday we honored the Commonwealth’s Gold Star Spouses with a special event on Beacon Hill. On this and every day, we remember those service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and the sacrifice of their loved ones as well.

On Thursday I got to meet back up with Easthampton High School’s “We The People” civics team as they prepared for their national competition with a mock hearing at the State House. Representative Carey and I got to show the students around the building after their practice and took them into the Senate chamber as well. With the competition just two weeks away, I wish the best of luck to all of you!

Next week we’ll be holding office hours at the Chicopee COA on Tuesday from 10:00am-11:00am and at the West Springfield COA on Wednesday from 11:00am-12:00pm. Please feel free to stop by with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hello!

If you are unable to make our office hours or need assistance any sooner, I can always be reached at my email: or by phone: (413) 572-3920. You can also find me online at where you can also sign up for my newsletter!


John Velis

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