Hello Everyone,
Yesterday marked National Vietnam War Veterans’ Day, a day where we honor and remember our Vietnam Veterans, those still Missing in Action, and their families. To all those who served in Vietnam thank you for your service and Welcome Home!
Monday morning, I started off my week with the dedication of US Route 20 as a National Medal of Honor Highway in West Springfield. Historic route 20 is the longest continuous highway in the United States and stretches all the way from Oregon to Massachusetts. Recently it has been designated as the Medal of Honor highway to serve as a permanent tribute to those who have served in our Armed Forces and distinguished themselves with acts of valor. I was proud to have introduced the legislation, which has since been signed into law, that made Massachusetts the final piece in the nationwide chain of the Medal of Honor Highway designations.
Later that day, I was able to tour the ARTery with Holyoke Art Inc and Representative Duffy. This non-profit does great work to support local cultural and arts programming right here in the Paper City. I encourage you to pop to see all of the incredible artwork on display made by local artists.
On Tuesday, I was able to go for a ride along with the West Springfield Fire Department to learn how I can best support our first responders’ and the work that they do to keep our communities safe. This amazing group of hard-working public servants work tirelessly, and I would like to thank them for allowing me to come along and see what their day to day is like.
I had the honor of presiding over a mock trial for Easthampton High School’s “We the Team People” team while they were visiting the State House on Thursday. This course focuses on American civics and the origins and philosophies of how our government was created. Teams from throughout the state and nation compete against each other in mock congressional hearings to test their knowledge on our government and nation’s founding. For yet another year, the EHS team has won the Massachusetts State Championship and will be moving onto the National competition. As veteran, lawyer, and lawmaker, I believe these topics and their debate is an essential part of American education and I was thrilled to have been asked to assist them in preparation for the National Competition. Best of luck to the Easthampton Eagles!

This week my office hosted office hours at the Westfield COA on Monday and at the Southampton COA on Wednesday. Next week, we will be at the Agawam COA on Monday from 11:00am to 12:00pm. If you can’t make office hours, I can always be reached by email, john.velis@masenate.gov, by phone, (413) 572-3920, and you can find me online at senatorjohnvelis.com.
John Velis